Spurred by the country's resounding reverence towards Ronald Reagan following his death, I thought it appropriate to devote an entry to the U.S.'s soft spot for Presidential charisma. I think its ironic whenever a President expects the whole country to devote a day a year to a President that ignored a significant portion of the population. Ignored is too lenient a word, thought better off dead is more accurate. However, as a legacy, his charisma and adroit speaking ability overshadow egregious negligence.
It seems our Western European comrades transcend charisma induced impressionability. Tony Blair's labour party constituents weren't persuaded by his speaking prowess. A speaking prowess that can hypnotize an audience. Hell I've had days where I am channel surfing and decide to take a two hour pit stop at C-SPAN just to allow Blair to mesmerize me while he fields questions from members of Parliament.
I watch George double yuh for shock value. I wish more Americans would allow speaking ability to be a mediating power in deciding a President. But before I start directing this blog entry towards a path of ominousness, let me impart some optimism. Bush's lack of charisma, speaking prowess, and articulateness affords his legacy no veil to cover his incursions into our civil liberties. Pending a miracle, a gradual progression towards harmony in the middle east after our handover of power in Iraq, Bush's legacy will be hung dry. Unlike the legacies of Kennedy and Reagan that were hung to dry with an eternal stream of glittery water droppings to detract attention from their failures, Bush's imprint will be left hanging dry to question for generations to come.
Bush is such a Nincompoop!
Posted by: John | July 27, 2004 at 09:16 AM