I really enjoyed the "Spank me I'm 1 b-day bash" for Tribe last night at the Odeon. What was of particular interest to me was the conversation in passing that took place as I handed out the free drink tickets at the door to Tribe members. I felt like it was the Tribe community's watered down version of some sort of Hollywood celebrity event:
"There's Leslie! She's the moderator of the ! Mission Folks- ~the intrigue~!!! tribe."
It got me thinking that although this is far from red carpet and Entertainment tonight status, what are the limitations of an online identity? I mean what if the SF Giant Fans tribe miraculously grew by 5,000 members and they organized and had the strength of attracting thousands of members to the park on a certain day? Is it too far fetched to think that the SF Giant Fans tribe moderator could throw out the first pitch? Would the crowd scratch their heads in bewilderment as they bear witness to a revolutionizing step in the evolution of offline/online identities? Does anyone even really care about the first pitch anymore?
A possible guinea pig for this revolution could and possibly already has taken place at Burning Man. Hey if Burning Man's economical memes ripple to the banks of a larger economy why not other memes as well?