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It's interesting how I could never go see a movie by myuelf when I was younger, even if that meant I didn't get to see the movie. Now, I almost prefer it and I definitely prefer to watch some movies alone. I like to completely lose myself in the movie and I don't like having to deal with the distractions of another person, be it passing the popcorn and getting distracted or having them pause to make a comment on whatever we're watching.

Hermits of the world unite! But only metaphorically, since we don't actually want to, you know, unite.

kevin jones

i find that watching it with headphones on my laptop is even more immersive. nothing exists outside that world when im in a good movie. watched rabbit proof fence last night. have had the soundtrack by peter gabriel for a long time.

judy jones

Notebook is timeless in its message of love and devotion, also the timing of love and how fragile it is, the preciousness of a moment and the fleeting reality of takes me back to the movie in the 60s where "Love means never having to say you're sorry" Love Story - what a movie! It will be interesting to review Notebook again in twenty years and see how you reflect on it then.


Main Entry: deep
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: abstract
Synonyms: abstruse, acroamatic, acute, arcane, complex, complicated, concealed, difficult, discerning, esoteric, heavy, Hermetic, hidden, incisive, intricate, learned, mysterious, obscure, occult, orphic, penetrating, profound, recondite, sagacious, secret, serious, wise
Antonyms: frivolous, ignorant, shallow, simple, superficial, trivial
Source: Roget's New Millenniumâ„¢ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.1.1)
Copyright © 2005 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Perhaps we have our hermetic moments to preserve our humanity; to remind ourselves or our substantive nature and to appreciate how we strive to be unlike the aforementioned antonyms.

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