To my fellow 15 visits a day to the weblog audience,
There is some big news to tell all of you (the great thing about having a blog besides feeling like your news is bigger than other people's news and therefore you should have a having the podium.
I am now Co-Director or Co President (no matter how you cut the cake the next step is President of the United States....get me out of these parenthesis please...I'm trapped) of the YAP Club...Young Active Professionals. My esteemed colleague and co director Erin Foxworthy shares steering duties with me on this ship. All aboard!!!
These are people between the ages of 21-40 that want to get together and discuss what they're doing in business, trends they see in their industry and to network. Bottom line is we drink a lot and laugh.
Now your first thought is probably YAP sounds a lot like YUP or Yuppy. And "Boy Eric really sold out this was only a matter of time before he sold soul, integrity, dignity and honor to the devil on a buy 3 get the forth free deal".
Well whatever you may be thinking...come join me and pretty much all your friends on April 25 at 6:00pm at CIGAR BAR!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats right I capitalized it. Cigars and Bars? What? yes it will happen on April 25 at 6:00pm. Click on the link below and join YAP and RSVP!!!!!!!!! and let the good times roll. A little inside secret...YAP is about to blow up and you don't want to miss this opportunity to ride the cool bus. We can all drive it too.
Please let me know if you have any questions!
See you there and RSVP!