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Member since 02/2004


    lunar phases

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Yay Amy! I enjoy your thoughts; I look forward to reading more. =)


I'm right there with you sister. I look forward to reading more.


I love the way you tell a story...
Can't wait for the next chapter!


You live in a boat?

wade Schuerman

You are a beautiful and well educated woman. Are you dating? You are young and have plenty of time for Mr. Right or is that something you are not desiring? I can't imagine you not having a lot of men that find you attractive, interesting and a good catch. Are you interested in more opportunities?


You are a beautiful and well educated woman. Are you dating? You are young and have plenty of time for Mr. Right or is that something you are not desiring? I can't imagine you not having a lot of men that find you attractive, interesting and a good catch. Are you interested in more opportunities?

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