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Member since 02/2004


    lunar phases

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Futility or not of making personal sacrifice to go 'green' (hyrbid cars, composting, biking to work, bagging own groceries, bringing own coffee mug...)in the face of global pollution:


Whether the exodus of San Francisco's lower and middle classes is a problem.


I'd like to see you guys tackle the issue of cubicles and if there's an alternative to them.


Hello people!
As a guest, I'd like to get in on the next debate. My suggestion is to debate whether for or against capital punishment.

To add to that, what scenerio could happen that may put you on the fence about it.

A more fun suggestion to follow...


Suggestion #2: Would you lead a better life knowing what was going to happen in your future, day for day? Or would you be happier, more successful, not knowing what the future holds?


Snoopy snow-cone maker vs the easy bake oven....


Snoopy snow-cone maker vs the easy bake oven....


What is the awesomest super power that you can think of and how would you use it!


The best slang / slang phrase that you know. What it means. and how to use it in context

best running shoes

To be a wise man. ¬ have the knowledge does not equal wisdom, knowledge accumulation was more, could be applied if there is no wisdom, knowledge loses its value.

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