Dear Former Close Friend,
I am sorry that I’ve
let our relationship slip the way it has. We’ve tried to stay
close, but distance has made it difficult. It is unfortunate that we
seem to drift in and out of each other’s lives.
I want to thank you. I need to say this now: you were a special part of my life however brief and fleeting. Every person I meet, every interaction I have, changes me. It shows me things that I wouldn’t have seen otherwise and for this and many other things I thank you.
With the advent of
technology I thought we could persevere. I will say that technology
affords me the chance to at least keep tabs on you. I’ve
enjoyed reading little blurbs on <insert hot social networking
site of the moment> about what you have been doing. I am
genuinely happy for you.
We both have grown and
our friendship circles have changed. This comes with time and
proximity. I hate to admit it, but it was much easier to be active
in your life when we lived/worked/partied/etc. near/with each other.
One thing I can say for certain, should we ever cross paths again, I will embrace you as the friend that you were and welcome you as the person that you are. Although we are now so very distant, I will always refer to you as my friend.
Should you ever need or
want of me, please do not hesitate to
With love, your friend always,
Transistor Radio