Chuck D Sneakers wrote the email below to a "friend" in response to this article:
I think there is a lot to be said about taxes but the most
important thing you have to realize is that if you are wealthy and a
corporations you really don't pay the taxes that you should be paying as a
percentage of your gross income. If you are wealthy, you
probably have investments and probably a business too and those
are two thing that provide major tax shelters. You can basically
justify anything as a business expense. In the end those with higher gross
incomes pay less taxes as percentage of their gross income than those with
lower gross incomes. In absolute values, yes they may pay more, but not as
a percentage. And that is not fair. The tax code is made for the
Lets use "x" as an example; "x" makes good money, but
because "x" lives in SF, "x" isn't "rich" and can't really afford a
home yet, so what can "x" write off? nothing! Unless you purchase a
home, have your own business, or father multiple children to use as
tax write-offs the government is going to stick it to you. some of us
will eventually purchase a home, start your own business and probably father
some children and will be sitting pretty and writting off all kinds of
stuff. Those who are teachers might never be able to buy a home
and they will eventually pay more than "x" (percentage wise) You and i know both
republicans and democrats are f-ed up, and they are both to blame, so saying i'm
not going to vote for these guys because it more directly affects my bottom
line ignores all of the other reasons why you should not vote for the other
side. whose fault is that we have over crowded prisons? republicans? the
state of California spends 10 billion a year on prisons and another ~5
billion prosecuting people. The republicans are tough on crime and drugs
which eventually lead to more people put in jail, so indirectly they cost
you and i billions in tax dollars. I'm deviating from the point but
i think its naive to blame one party solely for the government fiscal short
comings. I agree that I hate paying taxes, I hate useless social
programs, and I hate inefficient government bureaucracy and both of the
parties are to blame for it.