Going green is simply a way to feel better about all the damage that we’ve done as a society. I say bullocks to that! Humans have always demonstrated an amazing capability to handle and deal with change. I am waiting for someone, anyone to step in and shake up the world with free/cheap energy. It will happen.
Only, when it’s most dire and we have no other choice will it happen. The reason it hasn’t happened yet: it would crush our current economic system. Cheap energy would destroy energy markets, cause severe job loss, put certain companies out of business, and perhaps ignite a power shift between nations.
Maybe I’m a radical, but someone out there is smart enough to do it. I’m sure there are solutions sitting on the desks of some of the biggest corporations, but for them it makes no sense to cannibalize their own business. When word of a solution gets out, the whole thing better come out immediately and freely, otherwise those companies might have a shot at killing it before it gets going.
Someone will have the brains and nerves to do it. Maybe that person is you…