My view on going green and global warming
Kermit had it right from day one, it sure aint easy.
Especially with all the social pressure around us now to be as green as you
possibly can. “Bring your own bag!” “Drive a hybrid!” “Shut off the lights!”
“Use solar panels!”
These are all great things to make the world a better
place, especially if we don’t want to see the Armageddon in our lifetime. But
when is too much too much? And when does the intent shift from really trying to
save, to trying to SELL.
Hey, I’m all for being green, and I really do care about
the environment. That’s why I don’t smoke, I don’t litter, I don’t use
pesticides, and I certainly don’t leave my apartment with my lights on and
everything plugged and running. But I can’t say I have the drive to make a house
out of solar panels, or really want to drive a hybrid car. Does that make me a
bad person? I don’t think so. Especially when being “green” has almost turned
into a status symbol. You know that doesn’t sound too far fetched. Every day we
hear about a new company “Going Green” and all the “oohs” and “ahhs” around it.
But the funny thing is, many of them are making an extra buck on this. Don’t you
think there’s a plan behind their marketing strategy? Well think about it, all
of a sudden there’s this new target market out there that every company out
there knows they can penetrate, because apparently it doesn’t matter WHAT you
sell, manufacture, or represent anymore. All that matters is that you’re Green. If you’re Green, your great.
So let Phillip Morris continue to produce and market tobacco products which not
only hurt the environment, but KILL almost 200,000 a year.. But it’s okay, we
love Phillip Morris, because they care about the environment and have a section
on their website dedicated to their values.
So when does going green get out of control? Well I’ll
tell you what I think. I think when someone starts judging another person
because they forgot to bring their biodegradable bag to the market, or even
worse, when someone thinks they’re of higher status because they’re “more green”
by driving a hybrid (yet they puff on their Marlboro's when no one’s watching), THAT’s
when it’s gone to far.
In the meantime, let’s all be happy and be green when we
can. Just try not to be a sucker and fall for another marketing tactic out there
when you’re deciding which vendor, retailer, manufacturer to go with. It’s all
relative… And it’s not a race or a status symbol, it’s about you really truly
caring about yourself, those around you, and the world we live