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Heidi Blanchard

The thought of Palin as a possible president scares me beyond belief. Does her role in this election make you lean more towards Obama?

Heidi Blanchard

The thought of Palin as a possible president scares me beyond belief. Does her role in this election make you lean more towards Obama?

Eric Jones

Absolutely. I mean i am siding with Obama right now because I feel we definitely need a shake up...we need to exercise our democracy or it can get very stagnant and i think it's at a dangerous level...i can name a hundred reasons why Obama is great for this country and the world right now although I also think he brings some dangerous socialist tenets into the equation that i worry will set a precedent. This being said it's hard to ignore how scary it would be to have Palin as President. Real Scary.

john h

why is palin more scary than mccain? obama? what has she done/ not done that is remotely different than any of the other candidates?

the ultimate problem with our current ideals in American society is that people expect the government to solve their problems. I think it is an ongoing issue, however, because there must be a reason JFK asks us to ask ourselves what we can do for our country. Rather, to this day we stand at the steps of democracy asking for free samples. This is blanket misinterpretation of the function of government; and, it is causing our candidates to chase this downward-spiral philosophy in order to get elected. Liberals are at the controls of this doomed plane.

Why can't people see what they are doing to our nation? Whether from Harvard or the country barn, all are guilty. Americans aren't supposed to be beggers. We aren't supposed to sit around and wait for things to be handed to us on silver platters. We are the extreme opposite of those ideals. But even our candidates have forgotten this. I expect them to remind us of our freedom and potential every single day of their lives. They need to be our cheerleaders. CANT WE FIND ANYONE LIKE THIS TO BE OUR NEXT PRESIDENT?... at least I can be optimistic 4 years from now.


so is your state allowing a vote cast for Chuck Baldwin? Mine at least is letting me write him in

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