To our readers,
The Garage Sale Blog Network was created to unleash the viewpoints and individual blogging styles of 13 or so authors.
Recently we posted something about one of the authors looking for a sperm donor and this post took on the form of monstrous disaster in regard to our original mission and the blog network integrity. It is neither representative of the collective mission or an accurate foresight for what's to come.
This is why I'm writing today to say that we will be discontinuing all content related to the sperm donorship and all content going forward should be reflective of our original mission.
If this post seems canned and way more formal then it should be it's because it is and I sort of am getting a kick out of making a global announcement or at least pretending it's globally heard.
We're glad to see that the state of GSBN is solid! We were wondering what direction you were going.
-The team at
Posted by: Tag Sell It Community Manager | October 30, 2008 at 07:20 AM
courage to change can change things, there are minded to accept what can not be changed, and wisdom when the change was able to distinguish when we can not change, know when "to" when "not.
Posted by: nike shox | September 14, 2011 at 02:00 AM