Hibernation and routine - do they go hand in hand?
There is a cleaning lady that comes into my office daily at around 5:33pm or so. The sound of the trash can wheels rolling into the office impels me to shout to my co workers "Groundhog Day!". I do this just about everyday.
I got to the point last night where I could no longer stand for this so I thought of some ways I can break my routine laden lifestyle. For one, I woke up early today to workout prior to work. I'm wearing an obscenely bright shirt today as well. I've been exploring the trails along the 280 in the Peninsula thinking new scenery leads to new ideas. All humble attempts at breaking routine I know but a good start nonetheless.
So I know many of you (all 23 loyal readers we have) are thinking the same thing these cold dark winter nights as you come home at the same time, eat the same foods, watch the same tv shows and talk about the same things....so go ahead and try it...do one thing a bit different tomorrow.
Why! I love my routine. Otherwise, I would be doing some other routine. Quod Erat Demonstrandum (QED)
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