In today’s economic climate, you would think people would take time in completing well crafted resumes. Lately, however, I have had the fortune or mis, your call, of reviewing several hundred resumes for an entry level position. Now I am definitely appreciative to have some choice, but honestly am I the only one who believes in the 1 page rule. That would be, for those who don’t know, a resume should only be 1 page long because the reviewer is going to look at so many of these things that any more will get ignored.
I can’t tell you how many 3 to 4 page resumes I have reviewed in the past couple days … FOR AN ENTRY LEVEL JOB. This is ridiculous. At first I thought, maybe, just maybe my printer was messing up and printing things at extreme font and margin sizes, but this would save maybe a page if things were off. Look, I’ll give you 2 to 3 pages if you are applying for a C-level position, but really multiple pages to describe how you are qualified for entry-level!!!
I know the economy is bad and you want to impress me, but you aren’t going to do it with several pages. All you are going to do is piss me off and make me say no. If you can’t make an impression in 1 page, don’t bother applying.
Whatever happened to quality single page resumes?
My friend just decided to give a girl (with a horrible resume) an interview because she included a hot picture of herself with it. Just a thought....
Posted by: Ship in a bottle | January 14, 2009 at 01:21 PM
I've seen people include their twitter accounts, personal websites, facebook's nuts. A hot picture does not make a good employee.
Posted by: Transistor Radio | January 14, 2009 at 08:35 PM
I have seen some jobs that require people give links to their facebook/myspace/linkedin profiles... Times are changing, my friend. But I still feel you on the 10 page resume BS... that NEEDS to go.
Posted by: Aggrocrag | January 16, 2009 at 11:24 AM