I have to take issue with the last comment posted on this blog.
First I will say we always appreciate feedback on the blog. I will also say that this blog and it's network of writers and authors do not plan on positioning our topics or trajectory on the negative feedback from one commenter. A negative commenter with constructive criticism and a cogent argument is one thing but that's not what I'm seeing.
Third party validation is huge and a far cry from "diddly". Now if everyone and their mothers showed up on quantcast then I wouldn't be posting this response right now. But until you can show me another blog network of our nascent status coming in with the kinds of numbers we pulled in last week, a comment like the one mentioned above doesn't hold much credibility. Heck even put in your blog or a friend's blog and see if it shows up on Quantcast. Third party validation is absolutely necessary for any kind of growth and a very compelling stepping stone for this network's advancement.
I do want this blog to have fresh content everyday and we aim to fill that expectation. We also cherish reader feedback but just know that we will interact with it whenever possible.